Sunday, August 17, 2008

Melting in Leavenworth

This weekend, my brother, sister-in-law, niece, Keira and my mom, stayed in Leavenworth. It was unbearably hot! Yesterday, the temperature was 102 degrees. I handled the weather ok until last night. Keira and I stayed in the upstairs bedroom, of our cabin, and it was like a "slow-cooker." I am ready to be in air-conditioning.
We went to Blackbird Island to cool off and we were not the only ones. (I think the whole town was there!)

There is a fire burning in the Alpine Lake Area, which has fire crews going past the cabin, via helicopter, every 15 minutes. We checked the US Forestry Service website and we are not in any potential danger, YET. I took some photos of the helicopters and their water buckets flying over the cabin. About 2 miles from the cabin is the landing site for the helicopters and the fire crews. Supposedly, the fire is so high up, that you cannot access it via truck.

We watched rust colored plumes float above the mountain ridge and the sky has been quite hazy. At times, you can smell fire, which makes me unsettled, but this is life and the chance I took when purchasing the cabin. Thank goodness I am insured!

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